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Every year one million people commit suicide. As the years get older, the victims get younger and by 2020, every 20 seconds a person will commit suicide and succeed (Creative:2016).


It’s understandable that life is hard, that life has its up’s and down’s but what is driving these victims, even children as young as 12 to physically put an end to their lives? Even before they have started living?


Over 90% of victims who commit suicide are suffers of mental health. This may not be surprising to some, but I believe the stigma surrounding mental health is rather blasé and trivial. Consequently, this will not reduce the suicide rates.


There is a big misunderstanding and lack of information when it comes to mental health. Some will argue that due to the misinformation spread by the media, the general public do not empathise well with the idea of mental health (mind:5:2014). As a result, people with mental illnesses are usually perceived as ‘weak’, ‘crazy’ or even dangerous (Perry:2013). This is one reason why I believe it is important to create this documentary, in order to raise awareness and to create a better understanding of those suffering from mental health issues. This stigma surrounding mental health is further supported by a report that found that employees, who had admitted to mental health issues, felt they had been forced out of their jobs or sacked due to their condition (mind:5:2014).  Thus, further supporting societies idea that those with mental health are weak.


Nonetheless, there is a misconception that sufferers of mental illnesses are dangerous to those around them. However, through my research I have found that this is false. As they are in fact, more harm to themselves then to anyone else (mind:5:2014). This is also supported by the statics of suicide above. Therefore, I want to touch on this misconception within my documentary also, through speaking to friends and families of the victims. 


The lack of actual understanding on the topic of mental health does not help with stigma surrounding the issue. Over 40% of countries have no mental health policy, and over 30% have no mental health programme (WHO: 2013). Therefore, it is up to the government to fund such programmes in order to gain better knowledge. This will consequently, make societies’ understanding of mental health much greater.


Psychologist Stephen Ilardi explains that mental health issues, such, as depression are a ‘disease of civilisation’, blaming some of the cause on societies’ lifestyle (TEDx talks: 2013). Money, work, stress, high demands, lack of sleep and lack of exercise are all contributing factors (TEDx talks: 2013). There is even a correlation that poorer and more disadvantaged people are affected by common mental health problems (Patel et al:115: 2010). This is supported by the study that  4 in 10 people with a serious mental disorder within Australia, the UK and the USA are victims who have incomes lower than minimum wage (OECD:2012).


Although, it seems that there are many contributing factors that lead to mental health illnesses. This still has not defeated the negative image that surrounds the topic, and also shows our lack of understanding. Therefore, I want to really understand the torture victims and even family members of mental disorders go through. Thus, I aim to create a documentary that does not inform the audience with statistics, but instead informs and impacts them through emotion.




Creative, B. (2016) Suicide statistics [online] available from <> [16 January 2017]


Mental Health (2016) Mental health statistics: The most common mental health problems [online] available from <> [16 January 2017]

Mind (2014) Understanding schizophrenia. [online] available from <> [16 January 2017]


OECD (2012). Sick on the Job? Myths and Realities about Mental Health and Work, OECD Publishing.


Parry, E. (2013) Mental illness: An uncomfortable topic [online] available from <> [16 January 2017]


Patel V, Lund C, Hatherill S, Plagerson S, Corrigall J, Funk M, & Flisher AJ. (2010). Mental disorders: equity and social determinants. Equity, social determinants and public health programmes, 115


TEDx Talks (2013) 'Depression is a disease of civilization: Stephen Ilardi at TEDxEmory'. in YouTube [online] YouTube. available from <> [16 January 2017]


WHO (2013) 'Mental disorders affect one in four people' [online] available from <> [16 January 2017]

Secondary Research Summary: 

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