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In order to understand the logistics of my project, I have taken precaution in order to ensure that I do not breach any of the universities' rules, or any ethical issues either. I have filled in an ethical form and have conducted research that will help me avoid any further ethical issues. As I am a part of Coventry University, I have access to a lot of professional equipment which helps dramatically to lower the cost of this project. However, I will still involve what could have been the costs if I did not have this advantage. Below you will find my production schedule, legal forms I intend to use and lastly the budget of my film. 


Production schedule:


Late January- Mid February: Conduct interviews with subjects. (However, this may be delayed due to ethics). If delayed, will solely focus on test shoots and meetings with dancers for dance scene.


Late Feb-Early March: Cut together interviews especially for dance scene, film dance scene early march.


Mid-Late March: Edit dance scene and begin working on sound instalments.


April- Early May: Postproduction and final edit.


12 May: Deadline.

13 May and onwards: Distribution.


I believe this schedule is very doable, especially if I clear my ethics as soon as possible.


As the majority of my documentary is based on sound, filming for this documentary should take no longer than 4 days. However, as I aim to work with sound mostly, even with interviews, postproduction will be the most time consuming part of the project. Therefore, I aim to start postproduction as soon as possible, or as an on-going task throughout the whole production process.


Below are the legal forms that I will use for the subjects who will part-take within my documentary.







Coventry Uni (n.d.) CUOnline Moodle: Log in to the site [online] available from <> [17 January 2017]


Coventry Uni (2009) Ethics at Coventry university [online] available from <> [17 January 2017]



Consent Form.


Equipment hire:


Canon 5D MK11 inc 24-105mm f4-£75


Sennheisser me66 rifle mic-£15


Sennheiser radio mics- £15

Zoom H4N Recorder- £25


Manfrotto 501HDV Tripod -£15


Dolly- £20

Steadicam -£25


Canon 70-200mm F2.8- £35

Canon 50mm f1.8 -£15


LED panels 2/2 plus filters -£45



Production assistant-£309


Sound Editor-£674



Travel: £80

Catering: 60

Other expenses: £40

Distribution (Film Festival entry fees): £100


Overall that is:




£1,268 x 4 =£5,072 (for equipment and crew for each day of filming). That would be the MAX cost.


However, as I’ve mentioned above as I have access to this equipment already due to the university.


The actual cost for my film will be:



Travel: £80

Catering: 60

Other expenses: £40

Distribution (Film Festival entry fees): £100


Total: £280


However, I will intend for that to be the minimum budget and will excel for a budget of £600. I will do this by working extra shifts at work, as well as setting up a GoFundme page.

Ethics Form

Hazard form

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