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I think the aim of my documentary is pretty clear, and the dance piece is the strongest element I have so far. I think it is clear that I am passionate about my topic. However, I think I need to work more on how my sound instalment will be. Although, this is difficult as I am relying on interviews with my subjects in order to shape how that will turn out. However, I must begin to practise and research methods of sound manipulation. As well as that I also need to practise test shoots and lighting more, in order to create the best work I can.


Overall, I aim going to create a documentary on mental health which expresses the emotions felt by victims and peers through dance, sound instalments (including poetry) and art. This is a documentary that challenges the stigma surrounding mental health, and through hearing many peoples different stories. I aim to gain a coherent understand of what is felt by those affected by mental health.


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